This was also the topic of the rest of the conference, we got various talks about NextJs, GraphQL, server components. From practical talks about using Suspense in Graphql application with Apollo to hydrating data in front-end applications.
Another highlight was a talk from Meta (Facebook), creators of React, about React Forget.
Our friends at Meta are working on a compiler for React which makes improvements for your code on build time. Especially for increasing performance of React applications. React Forget will make useMemo and useCallback redundant, the compiler will make sure only the necessary parts of your application will update on rerender. It was cool to be part of such a scoop in the React landscape.
The closing talk was one with a lot of energy, which was nice after a full day of talks. Tejas Kumar showed why you need a Server Side Rendering framework, because in this talk he implemented, live on stage, server side rendering for React. Which gave nice insights on how it works internally and the things which a framework arranges for you.
It was a nice day with interestings talks about React. A lot of topics were about things we are working on right now, that shows us that we are making the right decision on moving to Simple Shop. It was a day full of practical tips and insights about React, Server Side Rendering and NextJS.It gave us the feeling that we are working on the correct things and should continue working on it
It was also a great opportunity to get closer as a front-end web community as a whole.
We work together at the office on a bi-weekly basis, but in between our product work it is sometimes hard to connect on a personal level. This trip was a great opportunity to do that and we got to know eachother even more.
Interesting talks:
Simplifying Server Components – Youtube D01 T01 01 Mark Dalgleish
(Other talks aren’t public yet)