Home Education 100 Music Jokes Your Students Will Love

100 Music Jokes Your Students Will Love

100 Music Jokes Your Students Will Love

Are you a music teacher who loves to tell jokes? Keep your class up-tempo with this collection of our favorite corny music jokes collected from our favorite teachers.

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Music Jokes About Singing

1. Knock, knock!

"Knock, Knock! Who's there? Little old lady. Little old lady who? Wow! I didn't know you could yodel!"

Who’s there?
Little old lady.
Little old lady who?
Wow! I didn’t know you could yodel!

2. What types of songs do planets sing?

What types of songs do planets sing? Nep-tunes.


3. Why did the singer climb a ladder?

Music jokes: Why did the singer climb a ladder? She wanted to reach the high notes.

She wanted to reach the high notes.

4. What rock band has four guys that don’t sing?

Music jokes: What rock band has four guys that don’t sing? Mount Rushmore.

Mount Rushmore.

5. What makes songs but never sings?

Music jokes: What makes songs but never sings? Notes.


6. What makes pirates such good singers?

Music jokes: What makes pirates such good singers?

They can hit the high Cs.

7. Why do fluorescent lights hum?

Why do fluorescent lights hum? Because they forgot the words.

Because they forgot the words.

8. How can you tell if a singer’s at your door?

How can you tell if a singer’s at your door?

They can’t find the key and don’t know when to come in.

9. Why did the chorus hire the baseball player?

Why did the chorus hire the baseball player?

Because he had perfect pitch.

Music Jokes About Animals

10. What musical keys do cows sing in?

What musical keys do cows sing in?

Beef flat.

11. What do you call a cow that can play a musical instrument?

Music jokes: What do you call a cow that can play a musical instrument? A moo-sician.

A moo-sician.

12. What do you call a musical insect?

Music jokes: What do you call a musical insect? A humbug.

A humbug.

13. Why did the fish make such a good musician?

Why did the fish make such a good musician? He knew his scales.

He knew his scales.

14. What’s big and gray with horns?

What’s big and gray with horns? An elephant marching band.

An elephant marching band.

15. What kind of music do bunnies like?

What kind of music do bunnies like? Hip-hop.


16. What is the musical part of a snake?

Example of music jokes for kids: What is the musical part of a snake? Its scales.

Its scales.

17. What’s a cat’s favorite subject at school?

Example of music jokes for kids: What's a cat's favorite subject at school? Mew-sic.


18. What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive music collection?

What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive music collection?

A “rock”osaurus.

19. What do you call a group of musical whales?

What do you call a group of musical whales?

An orca-stra.

20. What do you call a fish that plays piano?

What do you call a fish that plays piano?

A piano tuna.

21. What music do lions like?

What music do lions like?

Country lion dance music.

22. What do you get if you cross a mole with a sheet of music?

What do you get if you cross a mole with a sheet of music?

A mole-ody.

23. What part of a turkey is musical?

What part of a turkey is musical? The drumstick.

The drumstick.

24. What is a cat’s favorite song?

What is a cat’s favorite song?

Three Blind Mice.

Piano Jokes

25. What’s the difference between a piano and a fish?

What's the difference between a piano and a fish?

You can’t tuna fish!

26. Why did the pianist keep banging his head against the keys?

Why did the pianist keep banging his head against the keys? He was playing by ear.

He was playing by ear.

27. Why is a piano so hard to open?

Why is a piano so hard to open? Because the keys are on the inside.

Because the keys are on the inside.

28. What do you get when you drop a piano down a mine shaft?

What do you get when you drop a piano down a mine shaft?

A flat miner.

29. What do you get when you drop a piano on an army base?

Music jokes: What do you get when you drop a piano on an army base? A flat major.

A flat major.

30. What has a lot of keys but can’t open doors?

What has a lot of keys but can't open doors? A piano.

A piano.

31. What do a sword and a piano have in common?

Music jokes: What do a sword and a piano have in common? They can both B sharp.

They can both B sharp.

32. Where do pianists go on vacation?

Music jokes: Where do pianists go on vacation? The Florida Keys.

The Florida Keys.

33. Where did the music teacher leave his keys?

Where did the music teacher leave his keys?

In the piano.

Musical Instrument Jokes

34. How do you fix a broken tuba?

Music jokes: How do you fix a broken tuba?

With a tuba glue.

35. What did the robbers take from the music store?

What did the robbers take from the music store? The lute.

The lute.

36. What has a neck but no head?

What has a neck but no head? A bass.

A bass.

37. What’s the most musical bone?

What’s the most musical bone? The trombone.

The trombone.

38. A guitar player told me he was going to hit me with the neck of his guitar.

Example of music jokes for kids: A musician told me he was going to hit me with the neck of his guitar. I replied, “Is that a fret?”

I replied, “Is that a fret?”

39. What do you say to the musician playing the triangle in the orchestra?

What do you say to the musician playing the triangle in the orchestra? Thank you for every ting.

Thank you for every ting.

40. Some might say the violinists in an orchestra don’t do much.

Some might say the violinists in an orchestra don’t do much. They just fiddle around.

They just fiddle around.

41. What’s the slang term for a harpsichord?

Music jokes: What’s the slang term for a harpsichord? A Baroque man’s piano.

A Baroque man’s piano.

42. What do you say when a kazoo player sneezes?

What do you say when a kazoo player sneezes? Kazoonteit.


43. What’s a pirate’s favorite instrument?

What's a pirate's favorite instrument? The guit-arrr!

The guit-arrr!

44. What’s the best Christmas present in the whole world?

What's the best Christmas present in the whole world? A broken drum—you can't beat it!

A broken drum—you can’t beat it!

45. What is a cucumber’s favorite instrument?

What is a cucumber's favorite instrument? A pickle-o.

A pickle-o.

46. Why can’t skeletons play church music?

Music jokes: Why can’t skeletons play church music? Because they have no organs.

Because they have no organs.

47. Why did the musician break up with his guitar?

Why did the musician break up with his guitar?

There were too many strings attached.

48. What do a harmonica and a lawsuit have in common?

What do a harmonica and a lawsuit have in common?

Everyone is relieved when the case is closed.

49. Why do bagpipe players walk when they play?

Why do bagpipe players walk when they play?

To get away from the noise.

Music Jokes About Composers

50. What do you get if Bach falls off a horse but has the courage to get on again and continue riding?

What do you get if Bach falls off a horse but has the courage to get on again and continue riding?

Bach in the saddle again.

51. Why did Mozart kill his chickens?

Why did Mozart kill his chickens? Because they always ran around going

Because they always ran around going “Bach! Bach! Bach!”

52. Why couldn’t the string quartet find their composer?

Music jokes: Why couldn’t the string quartet find their composer? He was Haydn.

He was Haydn.

53. What is Beethoven’s favorite fruit?

What is Beethoven’s favorite fruit? Ba-na-na-naaaaa.


54. There are so many jokes about a certain composer …

Example of music jokes for kids: There are so many jokes about a certain composer… I could make you a Liszt.

I could make you a Liszt.

55. What type of soap did the composer use?

What type of soap did the composer use? Anti-BACH-terial.


56. Which composer likes tea the most?

Which composer likes tea the most?


57. What did the composer do before running errands?

What did the composer do before running errands?

He made a Liszt.

58. What do you call a fungus that makes music?

What do you call a fungus that makes music?

A decomposer.

59. Why didn’t Handel go shopping?

Why didn’t Handel go shopping?

Because he was Baroque.

Jokes About Musical Genres

60. What type of music are balloons afraid of?

Music jokes: What type of music are balloons afraid of? Pop music.

Pop music.

61. What do you get when you cross a sweet potato and a jazz musician?

What do you get when you cross a sweet potato and a jazz musician? A yam session.

A yam session.

62. What is a mummy’s favorite kind of music?

What is a mummy’s favorite kind of music?


63. Why did the tortilla chip start dancing?

Why did the tortilla chip start dancing? Because they put on the salsa.

Because they put on the salsa.

64. What do you call an elf that sings?

What do you call an elf that sings? A wrapper.

A wrapper.

65. What do you call clean music?

What do you call clean music? A soap opera.

A soap opera.

66. What’s a golfer’s favorite type of music?

Music jokes: What’s a golfer’s favorite type of music? Swing.


67. What is a robot’s favorite kind of music?

Music jokes: What is a robot's favorite kind of music? Heavy metal.

Heavy metal.

68. What’s an avocado’s favorite kind of music?

What's an avocado's favorite kind of music? Guac and roll.

Guac and roll.

69. What genre of music is a national anthem?

What genre of music is a national anthem? Country music.

Country music.

70. What sort of music does a mountain like?

What sort of music does a mountain like? Rock.


71. Why did the grandma sit in the rocking chair with her Rollerblades on?

Why did the grandma sit in the rocking chair with her Rollerblades on?

Because she wanted to rock and roll.

72. What type of music is a mouse’s least favorite in the entire world?

What type of music is a mouse’s least favorite in the entire world?

Trap music.

Music Education Jokes

73. Why was the musician arrested?

Music jokes: Why was the musician arrested? Because she got in treble.

Because she got in treble.

74. What did the bartender say to middle C, E flat, and G?

What did the bartender say to Middle C, E flat, and G? “Sorry, we don’t serve minors.”

“Sorry, we don’t serve minors.”

75. Want to hear the joke about a staccato?

Example of music jokes for kids: Want to hear the joke about a staccato? Never mind—it’s too short.

Never mind—it’s too short.

76. Someone keyed the music teacher’s car.

Someone keyed the music teacher’s car. Fortunately, the damage seems to B minor.

Fortunately, the damage seems to B minor.

77. What do you call a set of musical dentures?

What do you call a set of musical dentures? Falsetto teeth.

Falsetto teeth.

78. Want to hear the one about fermata?

Music jokes: Want to hear the one about fermata? Never mind—it's too long.

Never mind—it’s too long.

79. Are you a major scale?

Are you a major scale? Because you are all-natural to me.- music jokes

Because you are all-natural to me.

80. Why don’t musicians ever get lost?

Why don't musicians ever get lost?

They always follow the beat.

Music Jokes About Computers

81. What do you call a singing laptop?

What do you call a singing laptop?

A Dell-ightful performer.

82. What’s a musician’s favorite part of a computer?

What's a musician's favorite part of a computer?

The keyboard.

83. Which computer brand will most likely win the Grammy?

Which computer brand will most likely win the Grammy?


More Cheesy Music Jokes

84. How do you make a bandstand?

How do you make a bandstand? Take away their chairs

Take away their chairs.

85. Why did the musician break up with his metronome?

73. Why did the musician break up with his metronome?

It couldn’t keep up with the beat of his heart.

86. How many concertmasters does it take to change a light bulb?

Music jokes: How many concertmasters does it take to change a light bulb? Just one, but it takes four movements.

Just one, but it takes four movements.

87. What did Jay-Z call his wife before they were married?

What did Jay-Z call his wife before they were married?


88. Why couldn’t the athlete listen to her music?

Why couldn't the athlete listen to her music? Because she broke the record.

Because she broke the record.

89. What makes music on your hair?

What makes music on your hair? A headband.

A headband.

90. What is the most musical part of your body?

What is the most musical part of your body? Your nose because you can blow and pick it.

Your nose because you can blow and pick it.

91. What has 40 feet and sings?

Music jokes: What has 40 feet and sings? The school choir.

The school choir.

92. Why was music coming from the printer?

Why was music coming from the printer?

The paper was jamming.

93. How does the sun listen to music?

How does the sun listen to music? On its ray-dio!

On its ray-dio!

94. What do you get when you put a radio in the fridge?

What do you get when you put a radio in the fridge? Cool music.

Cool music.

95. What song do vampires hate?

What song do vampires hate?

“You Are My Sunshine.”

96. What did the conductor say when the train carrying the orchestra was late?

What did the conductor say when the train carrying the orchestra was late?

“It’s time to ‘choo-choo’se another mode of transportation!”

97. Why did the music teacher go to jail?

Why did the music teacher go to jail?

Because she got caught with A-sharp object.

98. Why did the scarecrow become a successful musician?

Why did the scarecrow become a successful musician?

Because he was outstanding in his field.

99. How does lettuce listen to music?

How does lettuce listen to music?


100. What’s a guitarist’s favorite dairy product?

 What’s a guitarist’s favorite dairy product?

String cheese.

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And if you liked these cheesy music jokes, check out our favorite grammar jokes, math jokes, and science jokes.


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