Home Apple macos – Rosetta 2 Downloaded, but not working

macos – Rosetta 2 Downloaded, but not working

macos – Rosetta 2 Downloaded, but not working

I want to install Rosetta 2, but when I launch, I don’t get a dialog box about the possibility of installing rosetta, I decided to install it manually, not without problems, but I installed it with the following output code

By using the agreetolicense option, you are agreeing that you have run this tool with the license only option and have read and agreed to the terms.
If you do not agree, press CTRL-C and cancel this process immediately.
2024-07-30 22:44:28.003 softwareupdate[1151:14305] Package Authoring Error: 052-69943: Package reference com.apple.pkg.RosettaUpdateAuto is missing installKBytes attribute
Install of Rosetta 2 finished successfully

I don’t understand an error but the installation was successful.

It’s not in the properties, the files just won’t launch, nothing!
I tried to completely reinstall it (uninstalled and reinstalled) and reinstalled the Mac OS.
and all because I want to play some old games, but neither crossover nor parallels desktop work.


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